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Shared goals, shared purpose, shared vision An aspect of the cognitive dimension of social capital

Export Reference Download PDF Print Shared goals and shared purpose are commonly mentioned as elements of the cognitive dimension of social capital. The other dimensions of social capital being the structural and relational dimensions. This conceptualisation, distinguishing between structural, relational, and cognitive dimensions, is one of the major approaches to social capital. This approach was […]

Current definitions of social capital Academic definitions in 2019

In 2004 I wrote an article about the definitions of social capital and included a table of definitions from Adler & Kwon (2002). The article is still one of the most popular online, which is evidence that definition continues to be a challenging area for newcomers to social capital. Now, 15 years later, I was […]

Structural, cognitive, relational social capital

The distinction between structural, cognitive, and relational social capital was made by Janine Nahapiet and Sumantra Ghoshal and forms the most widely used and accepted framework for understanding social capital. These dimensions are conceptual distinctions that are useful for analytic convenience but in practice social capital involves complex interrelations between the three dimensions. Level of […]

What are the different types of social capital?

The different types of social capital are typically defined as structural social capital, cognitive social capital, and relational social capital. Another common categorisation of social capital is the following types: bonding social capital, bridging social capital, and linking social capital. The taxonomic refinements have been described as types of social capital, as forms of social […]