Reference List for Social Capital Research

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Claridge, T., 2004. Social Capital and Natural Resource Management: An important role for social capital? Unpublished Thesis, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.

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18 Responses

  1. Why are there no references after 2004? Has research basically stopped on Social Capital? Is there no future in the concept as a consequence of its complexity? Where could I find more recent studies on this topic?

    1. Thanks for your question Tim. This study was written in 2004, and has not been updated since with any of the more recent research that has been completed on social capital.

  2. Hi Tristan
    my first question is are you still studying/working on the topic of social capital? I am in the research stage of my MSc dissertation and I have been particularly keen on the concept of SC. However there are many shortcomings that are increasingly difficult to reconcile. Would you still put forward social capital as a useful theory today?
    Congrats on your site btw!

    1. Thanks for your questions Chico. I’m currently researching the role of social setting and social capital in higher education, but am not working on social capital at a conceptual level. I think social capital is most useful when it is applied in a qualitative way and where the local context is understood.

  3. Hi Tristan.
    I have started a research about the impact of knowledge management on SC in some universities, would you help me to determine some essential factors and how to measure them as some qualitative factors.
    Thanks a lot.

  4. Tristan

    You might find this update helpful.

    Baum, F., C. Putland, et al. (2009). Can social capital contribute to reducing health inequities? Insights from Australian experience. IUSSP international seminar on social and health policies for equity: approaches and strategies. London.

    Bourdieu, P. (2003). Firing back against the tyranny of the market 2. London, Verso.

    Charbonneau, J. (2005). Networks of community associations and collective social capital: A review of analyses and experiences. Social Capital in Action. Canada, Policy Research Initiative.

    Dalton, R. and N. Ong (2006). Civil society and social capital in Vietnam. Modernization and Social Change in Vietnam, Munich Institute for Social Science.

    Le, H. and A. Ataullah (2004). Economic growth, inward direct FDI and trade policy in four ASEAN countries: Evidence from simultaneous equation panel-data estimation. The process of internationalisation: strategic, cultural and policy perspectives. F. McDonald, M. Mayer and T. Buck. Basingstoke, UK, Palgrave Macmillan: 255-273.

    Lee, R. (2009). “Social capital and business and management: Setting a research agenda.” International Journal of Management Reviews 11(3): 247-273.

    Liu, J. (1999). “Social capital and covariates of re-offending risk in the Chinese context.” International Criminal Justice Review 9: 39-55.

    Nahapiet, J. (2008). The role of social capital in inter-organizational relationships. The Oxford Handbook of Inter-organizational Relations. S. Cropper, M. Ebers, C. Huxham and P. Smith Ring. New York, Oxford University Press: 580-606.

    Ozbilgin, M. and A. Tatli (2005). “Understanding Bourdieu’s contribution to organisation and management studies.” Academy of Management Review 30(4): 855-877.

    Patulny, R. and G. Svendsen (2007). “Exploring the social capital grid: Bonding, bridging, qualitative, quantitative.” International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 27(1/2): 32-51.

    Schneider, J. A. (2004) “The role of social capital in building healthy communities.”

    Schneider, J. A. (2006). Social capital and welfare reform: organizations, congregations and communities. New York, Columbia University Press.

    Schneider, J. A. (2009). “Organisational social capital and nonprofits.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 38(4): 643-662.

    Siisiainen, M. (2000). Two concepts of social capital: Bourdieu vs Putnam. The Third Sector: For what and for whom? Dublin, International Society for Third Sector Research.

    Sobel, J. (2002). “Can we trust social capital?” Journal of Economic Literature 40: 139-154.

    Weizel, C., R. Inglehart, et al. (2005). “Social capital, voluntary associations and collective action: Which aspects of social capital have the greatest ‘civic’ payoff?” Journal of Civil Society 1(2): 121-146.

    I would start with Joel Sobel’s question, and then move to the grounded, empirical work of Jo Anne Schneider. She’s at George Washington University, and her work is first-rate.

    All the best.
    You can reach me at

  5. Just a personal note of thanks… Your website is wonderfully accessible and helpful. Your work means the world to myself and fellow graduate students. A million thanks for your time. Very truly yours, Rosie Uyola.

  6. I am a teacher and very interested in understanding more in regards to how (if) social capital can be developed in students and whether mainstream schooling is a factor in development or indeed an obstacle to its development. Any one with any ideas? Anyone know of any research that may help me in further understanding this?

  7. I am very pleased to have found this page, it is wonderful. Thank you for the work you have done on it. Has anyone viewing this site found any research in regard to social capital and disaster preparedness or disaster resilience from an individual not community perspective?

  8. I consider to put more efforts on about the idea of social capital and may take this topic as my thesis. The website gives an outline on the foundation of the theory. Highly appreciated your work and thank you!

  9. Thanks for exploring social capital.In my opinion this is a detailed explanation of most if not all that pertains to social capital.Personally, gained valuable insight into the subject.

  10. Tristan – Ian Falk here. Working now on an update of soc cap research triggered by some work we are doing on generalising from qualitative research, leading to identity construction. Yes there is a link! But I am asking if you know of any work from 2005 onwards on social capital theory? Your 2004 thesis is just excellent (not because you quote us several times!) and given your work, I am assuming you would be in touch with more recent work, including your own published articles on this field? Any readers welcome to respond as well.
    Best wishes. Ian

    1. Thanks for your comment Ian. I have followed your work on social capital since the 1990s and have always been impressed with your theoretical grounding to the likes of Bourdieu, Habermas, Gee, and Granovetter. Your work on identity construction sounds very interesting. I’ve been exploring connections to theory of mind, cognitive bias, empathy, and emotional intelligence – yet to be published. From a quick check of my reference manager, I have read over 500 articles related to social capital published after 2004. Are you looking for theory or application to a particular area of interest?

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