Synergy Approach to Social Capital

This view attempts to integrate the compelling work emerging from the networks and institutional approaches (Woolcock and Narayan 2000)[1]. Authors include Fox (1992)[2]; Evans (1992[3], 1995[4], 1996[5]); Rose (1998)[6]; Woolcock (1998)[7]; Narayan (1999)[8]; and Fox and Brown (1998)[9]. Woolcock and Narayan (2000, p. 236) identified that the three central key tasks for synergy view theorists, researchers and policymakers is to ‘identify the nature and extent of a community’s social relationships and formal institutions, and the interaction between them; develop institutional strategies based on these social relations, particularly the extent of bonding and bridging social capital; and to determine how the positive manifestations of social capital cooperation, trust and institutional efficiency can offset sectarianism, isolationism and corruption’.

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This article is part of a thesis submitted to the University of Queensland, Australia. You should reference this work as:

Claridge, T., 2004. Social Capital and Natural Resource Management: An important role for social capital? Unpublished Thesis, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.

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  1. Woolcock, Michael, and Deepa Narayan. 2000. “Social capital:  Implications for development theory, research, and policy.” The World Bank Research Observer 15: 225-249. ^
  2. Fox, Jonathan. 1992. ‘Democratic Rural Development: Leadership accountability in rural peasant organisations.’ Development Change 23: 1-36. ^
  3. Evans, Peter. 1992. ‘The state as problem and solution: Predation, embedded autonomy, and structural change.’ in The politics of economic adjustment: International constraints, disruptive conflicts and the state, edited by Robert Kaufman. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ^
  4. Evans, Peter. 1995. Embedded autonomy: States and industrial transformation. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ^
  5. Evans, Peter. 1996. ‘Government action, social capital and development: Reviewing the evidence on synergy.’ World Development 24: 1119-1132. ^
  6. Rose, Richard. 1998. “Getting things done in an anti-modern society: social capital networks in Russia.” Washington, D.C.: World Bank, Social Development Department. ^
  7. Woolcock, Michael. 1998. “Social capital and economic development: Towards a theoretical synthesis and policy framework.” Theory and Society 27: 151-208. ^
  8. Narayan, Deepa, and Lant Pritchett. 1999. “Social capital: Evidence and implications.” Pp. 269-296 in Social Capital: A multifaceted perspective, edited by Ismail Serageldin. Washington, DC: World Bank. ^
  9. Fox, Jonathan, and L. David Brown. 1998. The struggle for accountability: The World Bank, NGOs and the grassroots movement. Cambridge: MIT Press. ^

One Response

  1. bonjour,
    Que dire, sinon que c’est excellent et très instructif. Je suis étudiant en master recherche de sociologie, je travaille sur l’impact du capital social sur l’ascension politique des femmes au Burkina Faso. Laissez moi connaitre votre avis. Quelle approche de capital social privilégier? Quelle théorie sociologique utilisée: interactionisme ou structuralisme?

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