Picture of Edith Lemos Ornellas

Edith Lemos Ornellas

FORMATION - PhD in Territorial Planning and Social Development - UCSAL / FAPESB (Bahia State Research Support Foundation) 2015/2019 - Master in Territorial Planning and Social Development - UCSAL / FAPESB (Research Support Foundation of the State of Bahia) 2013/2014 - Specialist in Higher Education Methodology / FADBA-2006-2007 - Specialist in Human Development and Management / Fundação Visconde de Cairú-2004-2006 - Graduation in Administration / FIB - 2000-2004 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE - Writer / Researcher / Teacher / Trainer / Consultant - Research Group Development, Society and Nature - UCSal - Research Professor at the Research Group: Regional, Territorial and Rural Development - UFRB - Teacher 2008/2012 - Administration Course - Disciplines - People Management, Regional Development and Sustainability - Internship and Employment Coordinator / 2008/2012 - Junior Business Administration Coordinator / 2008/2010 - Teacher 2009 / 2010- Administration Course - DISCIPLINES RH I AND RH II / TCC - Professor 2007/2008 and Member of the Permanent Course Evaluation Commission (Course - Management in Human Resources Technology) - Member of the Brazilian Association of Human Resources - ABRH (2007/2012 and 2019/2020) - Researcher at the Advanced Research Center for Consciousness - NIAC / Fundação Visconde de Cairú / Ba (2005/2008) - Experience in several sectors of business administration, since 1987.

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